The Power of Self – Awareness in Communication So why this topic? Well . . . because for me it has been one of my key learnings over the last few years. It was the self-awareness of being able to recognise my sensitivities and how […]

The Power of Self – Awareness in Communication So why this topic? Well . . . because for me it has been one of my key learnings over the last few years. It was the self-awareness of being able to recognise my sensitivities and how […]
By Ana Cuellar: When it was time to go, I walked towards the doors, looked back and realized that everybody was waving at me and saying goodbye as if we were old acquaintance. On my first trip, I only spoke with my tourist guide and […]
I was recently reading about J. Paul Getty. In the year of my birth, 1957 Fortune magazine named him the richest man in the world. So what can the life of the richest man alive at the start of my life, teach us? And are […]
I love doing outdoor activities but sometimes they also highlight some great learning points for me in my communication and the unstated that results from not knowing what one can do or cannot do until you try. A few years ago we did some team […]
I am always fascinated by the fact that many of us approach the world from a negative perspective usually subconsciously. You may disagree with me on this but let’s do a little test. Over a day, take some time to track your communication and interaction […]
POSTED BY REBECCA DORSEY SOK, MA, PCC, AND ANDREW SHAFFER, MCC LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA With arms folded and their gaze down, one person quietly controls the tension in the room. Recognizing we may be stuck before we start, I grab the large, playful markers […]
By Ana Cuellar: Recently, I made one of the most important decisions in my professional life: changing careers. It was not an easy decision, and it involved a fair share of contemplation and analysis. Fortunately, I had the help of an unusual yet practical companion: […]
Do you ever wonder why communicating with others is challenging or how to improve communication with somebody close to you at home, in your community or at work? As I often think about and work on this, the importance of curiosity has become clear to […]
POSTED BY ANDREW SHAFFER, MCC, AND REBECCA DORSEY SOK, MA, PCC At our second session, I ask my client what she wants to work on. She shifts uncomfortably in her chair, with an audible, “Huh?” Sensing she wants me to choose for her, I ask […]
Prior to a coaching engagement, no amount of conversation about personal boundaries can prepare us for the moments when they’re unexpectedly pushed. However, we can be ready to seize on the learning opportunities that they present to us. The question is how do we ensure […]